Saturday 15 February 2020

Kamdev: Why The Indian Cupid Burnt To Ashes by Shiva

हिंदू धर्म में भगवान शिव को त्रिदेवों में गिना जाता है। भगवान शिव को कोई रुद्र, कोई भोलेनाथ के नाम से पुकारता है। माना जाता है कि भगवान शिव अपने भक्तों की भक्ति मात्र से ही प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं, और अपने भक्तों को मनचाहा वरदान देते है। शिव को उनके शिवलिंग और सरल स्वभाव के कारण ही भोलेनाथ कहा जाता है। वहीं अपने सरल स्वभाव से परे भगवान शिव अपने 'रौद्र रूप' और 'क्रोध' के लिए भी जाने जाते हैं
पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार भगवान शिव को जब भी क्रोध आता है तो उनका तीसरा नेत्र खुल जाता है जिससे संपूर्ण पृथ्वी अस्त-व्यस्त हो जाती है। ऐसा ही एक प्रसंग है भगवान शिव और कामदेव से जुड़ा हुआ, जब कामदेव को महादेव ने भस्म कर दिया था
कथा के अनुसार जब दक्ष प्रजापति ने 'भगवान शिव और अपने पुत्री 'सती' को छोड़कर सारे देवी देवताओं को अपने यज्ञ में आमंत्रित किया तो देवी सती अपने पति महादेव का यह तिरस्कार सहन नहीं कर पाती है। और यज्ञवेदी में कूदकर आत्मदाह(भस्म) कर लेती हैं। जब यह बात भगवान शिव को पता चलती है तो वह अपने तांडव से पूरी सृष्टि में हाहाकार मचा देते हैं।

इससे व्याकुल सारे देवता भगवान शिव को समझाने कैलाश पहुंचते हैं। भगवान शिव देवताओं के समझाने पर शांत तो हो जाते हैं, लेकिन भगवान् शिव परम शांति के लिए गंगा-तमसा के पवित्र संगम पर आकर समाधि में लीन हो जाते हैं।
मां सती के मृत्यु के बाद भगवान शिव समस्त संसार को त्याग देते हैं। उनके बैरागी होने से संसार सही से नहीं चल पाता है। दूसरी तरफ पार्वती के रूप में सती का पुनर्जन्म होता है। इस बार भी पार्वती भगवान शिव से विवाह करने की इच्छा जताती हैं, लेकिन शिव के मन में प्रेम और काम भाव नहीं था, वह पूर्ण रुप से बैरागी हो चुके थे। इस वजह से भगवान विष्णु और उनके साथ सभी देवता संसार के कल्याण के लिए कामदेव से सहायता लेते हैं।

इसके बाद अपने पत्नी रति के साथ कामदेव भगवान शिव के भीतर छुपा हुआ 'काम भाव' जगाने के लिए जुट जाते हैं। कामदेव अपने अनेक प्रयत्नों के द्वारा महादेव को ध्यान से जगाने का प्रयास करते हैं। जिसमें अप्सराओं आदि के नित्य शामिल होते हैं।

पर महादेव भोलेनाथ के आगे यह सब प्रयास विफल हो जाते हैं। अंत में कामदेव स्वयं भोलेनाथ को जगाने के लिए खुद को आम के पेड़ के पीछे छिपा कर शिव जी पर उस पुष्प-वान चलाते हैं। पुष्पबान सीधे जाकर महादेव के हृदय में लगता है और उनकी समाधि टूट जाती है।
अपनी समाधि टूट जाने से भगवान शिव बहुत ही ज्यादा क्रोधित होते हैं, और आम के पेड़ के पीछे छुपे कामदेव को अपनी त्रिनेत्र से जलाकर भस्म कर देते हैं। अपने पति की राख को रति अपने शरीर पर मलकर विलाप करने लगती है। और भगवान शिव से न्याय की मांग भी करती है।
जब भगवान शिव को यह ज्ञात हुआ कि संसार के कल्याण के लिए देवताओं के द्वारा बनाई गई यह योजना थी तो, शिवजी ने रति को वचन देते है की कि उनका पति यदुकुल में भगवान श्री कृष्ण के पुत्र के रूप में जन्म लेगा।

बाद में कामदेव ने कृष्ण के पुत्र के प्रद्युम्न के रूप में पैदा होते हैं, और देवी रति से पुनः उनका मिलन भी हो जाता है।
श्रीकृष्ण और कामदेव :पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार भगवान श्रीकृष्ण को भी कामदेव ने अपने नियंत्रण में लाने का प्रयास किया था। कामदेव ने भगवान श्रीकृष्ण से यह शर्त लगाई कि वे उन्हें भी स्वर्ग की अप्सराओं से भी सुंदर गोपियों के प्रति आसक्त कर देंगे। श्रीकृष्ण ने कामदेव की सभी शर्त स्वीकार की और गोपियों संग रास भी रचाया लेकिन फिर भी उनके मन के भीतर एक भी क्षण के लिए वासना ने घर नहीं किया।
रति ने पाला कामदेव को पुत्र की तरह फिर उनसे कर लिया विवाह : जब शिव ने कामदेव को भस्म कर दिया तब ये देख रति विलाप करने लगी तब जाकर शिव ने कामदेव के पुनः कृष्ण के पुत्र रूप में धरती पर जन्म लेने की बात बताई। शिव के कहे अनुसार भगवान श्रीकृष्ण और रुक्मणि को प्रद्युम्न नाम का पुत्र हुआ, जो कि कामदेव का ही अवतार था

कहते हैं कि श्रीकृष्ण से दुश्मनी के चलते राक्षस शंभरासुर नवराज प्रद्युम्न का अपहरण करके ले गया और उसे समुद्र में फेंक आया। उस शिशु को एक मछली ने निगल लिया और वो मछली मछुआरों द्वारा पकड़ी जाने के बाद शंभरासुर के रसोई घर में ही पहुंच गई।

तब रति रसोई में काम करने वाली मायावती नाम की एक स्त्री का रूप धारण करके रसोईघर में पहुंच गई। वहां आई मछली को उसने ही काटा और उसमें से निकले बच्चे को मां के समान पाला-पोसा। जब वो बच्चा युवा हुआ तो उसे पूर्व जन्म की सारी याद दिलाई गई। इतना ही नहीं, सारी कलाएं भी सिखाईं तब प्रद्युम्न ने शंभरासुर का वध किया और फिर मायावती को ही अपनी पत्नी रूप में द्वारका ले आए।

भगवान ब्रह्मा ने दिया वरदान: पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार एक समय ब्रह्माजी प्रजा वृद्धि की कामना से ध्यानमग्न थे। उसी समय उनके अंश से तेजस्वी पुत्र काम उत्पन्न हुआ और कहने लगा कि मेरे लिए क्या आज्ञा है? तब ब्रह्माजी बोले कि मैंने सृष्टि उत्पन्न करने के लिए प्रजापतियों को उत्पन्न किया था किंतु वे सृष्टि रचना में समर्थ नहीं हुए इसलिए मैं तुम्हें इस कार्य की आज्ञा देता हूं। यह सुन कामदेव वहां से विदा होकर अदृश्य हो गए।

यह देख ब्रह्माजी क्रोधित हुए और शाप दे दिया कि तुमने मेरा वचन नहीं माना इसलिए तुम्हारा जल्दी ही नाश हो जाएगा। शाप सुनकर कामदेव भयभीत हो गए और हाथ जोड़कर ब्रह्माजी के समक्ष क्षमा मांगने लगे।

किस तरह से कामदेव मन को प्रेम और वासना की ओर ले जाते हैं
कामदेव की अनुनय-विनय से ब्रह्माजी प्रसन्न हुए। उन्होंने कहा कि मैं तुम्हें रहने के लिए 12 स्थान देता हूं- स्त्रियों के कटाक्ष, केश राशि, जंघा, वक्ष, नाभि, जंघमूल, अधर, कोयल की कूक, चांदनी, वर्षाकाल, चैत्र और वैशाख महीना। इस प्रकार कहकर ब्रह्माजी ने कामदेव को पुष्प का धनुष और 5 बाण देकर विदा कर दिया।
ब्रह्माजी से मिले वरदान की सहायता से कामदेव तीनों लोकों में भ्रमण करने लगे और भूत, पिशाच, गंधर्व, यक्ष सभी को काम ने अपने वशीभूत कर लिया। फिर मछली का ध्वज लगाकर कामदेव अपनी पत्नी रति के साथ संसार के सभी प्राणियों को अपने वशीभूत करने बढ़े।

इसी क्रम में वे शिवजी के पास पहुंचे। भगवान शिव तब तपस्या में लीन थे तभी कामदेव छोटे से जंतु का सूक्ष्म रूप लेकर कर्ण के छिद्र से भगवान शिव के शरीर में प्रवेश कर गए। इससे शिवजी का मन चंचल हो गया।

उन्होंने विचार धारण कर चित्त में देखा कि कामदेव उनके शरीर में स्थित है। इतने में ही इच्छा शरीर धारण करने वाले कामदेव भगवान शिव के शरीर से बाहर गए और आम के एक वृक्ष के नीचे जाकर खड़े हो गए। फिर उन्होंने शिवजी पर मोहन नामक बाण छोड़ा, जो शिवजी के हृदय पर जाकर लगा। इससे क्रोधित हो शिवजी ने अपने तीसरे नेत्र की ज्वाला से उन्हें भस्म कर दिया।

कामदेव को जलता देख उनकी पत्नी रति विलाप करने लगी। तभी आकाशवाणी हुई जिसमें रति को रुदन करने और भगवान शिव की आराधना करने को कहा गया। फिर रति ने श्रद्धापूर्वक भगवान शंकर की प्रार्थना की।

रति की प्रार्थना से प्रसन्न हो शिवजी ने कहा कि कामदेव ने मेरे मन को विचलित किया था इसलिए मैंने इन्हें भस्म कर दिया। अब अगर ये अनंग रूप में महाकाल वन में जाकर शिवलिंग की आराधना करेंगे तो इनका उद्धार होगा।
तब कामदेव महाकाल वन आए और उन्होंने पूर्ण भक्तिभाव से शिवलिंग की उपासना की। उपासना के फलस्वरूप शिवजी ने प्रसन्न होकर कहा कि तुम अनंग, शरीर के बिन रहकर भी समर्थ रहोगे। कृष्णावतार के समय तुम रुक्मणि के गर्भ से जन्म लोगे और तुम्हारा नाम प्रद्युम्न होगा।
The End
Note:--The above story of kamdeva and Lord Shiva has been posted with help of Wikipedia and various stories available on net, With thanks.

Sunday 9 February 2020

Travelogue of Royal Jodhpur in heart of Desert

My soul was again obstinate for a”Ghummi” (Travelling).This time we decided to live in lap of desert close to nature.

Our first destination was Royal Jodhpur, the second largest city of Rajasthan, the Gateway to the mighty Thar Dessert! Once the capital of the erstwhile princely state of Marwar.

The Marwar region includes the present-day districts of Barmer, Jalore, Jodhpur, Nagaur, and Pali. The people of this region are commonly known as Marwaris, as also the rare breed of horses which are only found in Jodhpur.
The trains to Jodhpur originate from Old Delhi Railway station.Distance between Delhi and Jodhpur is 619 Km. So we hired a taxi from Aligarh to Delhi.

Train arrived on platform in time as it originates from here, we kept our luggage on our reserved births.It was Mandaur express is a super Fast Express Train; it takes about 7 hours night journey upto Jodhpur.
The Blue City Jodhpur.
I wake up early in the morning, the train was passing through barren land, without any green. On the name of green there were dry thorny shrubs.Sun was rising in East, it was morning but sun rays were were turning wild.
My camera was in thirst to click the scenes.I could n’t wait more .The train entered in railway station of Jodhpur. I always prefer to stay in retiring rooms of Indian Railway. I feel here more comfortable than any commercial hotel.We have already got  reserves a deluxe  retiring  room.
It was the day of Holi, so we decided to stay in room till evening. After a shower bath and rest, went to canteen for breakfast .We were surprised to see the well managed, clean and a peacefull atmosphere of canteen hall. Tea and Coffee @Rs.10/= King size bread, Omelette @Rs 30/=and simple lucnch thali @Rs 6o/=

Kaylana Lake
In evening we hired a three wheeler @Rs 500/=to visit the city.Our firsr destination was Kailana Lake.When we reached lake, the angry sun was cool, a soft breeze welcomed us. The lake is spread over an area of 84

Kaylana Lake lies west of Jodhpur at a distance of around 8 km from the city.The artificial lake was constructed in 1872 on the site of two former palaces and gardens. Built by Pratap Singh, the then Prime Minister of Jodhpur.
The area around this lake was once full of wild bears. Owing to this, the area once served as a secured hunting place for the royal members. Here I clicked some good shots.

Masuriya Garden
The most striking feature of this garden is that it is situated at a height from where one can get a breathtaking view of Jodhpur from different corners.

There is a big statue of Veer Durgadas Rathore in Masuriya Garden.He is a famous folk hero of Marwar. Over the hills with the air breezy was awesome to hangout with family friends and kids.The top view of blue city was amazing and the garden too was beautiful !!Sun set is amazing from here.
Here I clicked some beautiful landscape of garden, a part of aerial view of Jodhpur city in lap of silence of sun set.After staying here about one hour we left to next destination in hired three wheeler.

Shastri Circle
He drove us to Shastri circle. It is beautiful local posh market, has many road side food stalls.  This place is  similar to Center point of our Aligarh as related to street food stalls.Many roads pass through here,in the mid of area,there was a  large circular  garden with fountains and colorful magical light with beautiful land escape and garden.
After our dinner, three wheeler left us on railway station, the place of our stay.After a shower, in retiring room, we went to dinning hall and refreshed us with a cup of Coffee.The first day of our journey in Jodhpur was over.

Second Day in Jodhpur.
After refreshing us, and breakfast in dining hall of railway station, we hired an auto rickshaw for Rs.500/= to see places of for tourists attraction. Our first place of visit was Umaid Bhavan.
Umaid Bhawan Palace.
It is located on top of of a high hill .One of the world's largest private residences. A part of the palace is managed by Taj Hotels. Named after Maharaja Umaid Singh.Construction was started in the year 1929 and it was completed in 1943. The 347-roomed massive palace is named one of the largest private residences in the world.
The palace boasts of a combination of Indian and European style of architecture. A part of the palace still serves as a residence to the former royal family, while other two parts of the palace are converted into Taj Palace Hotel and museum.
The Palace was originally envisaged as a drought relief measure and the intention was to provide employment to over 3000 people afflicted by consecutive years of drought.

Mehrangarh Fort.
Beyond question, Mehrangarh Fort tops the list of ‘must visit’ places in Jodhpur. It is one among the largest Indian forts. This invincible fort stands magnificently 400 feet above the city.
Rao Jodha constructed the fort in 1459 AD. Though the attempt to construct the fort was started in 1459, the fort had seen many centuries before it was completed. Hence, you could find that the style of architecture represents various periods.
The grandeur in architecture is awe-inspiring. It offers stunning views of the city. The fort stands as a symbol of power.
Mehrangarh Fort is photographer’s heaven .My camera was hungry for beautiful clicks.I came back with my camera full of memories.
Jaswant Thada Overvie
The Jaswant Thada is an architectural marvel with intricate carvings. Famed as one of the most beautiful white marble cenotaphs, it was built in 1899 by Maharaja Sardar Singh in commemoration of his father Maharaja Jaswant Singh II.

This white marble wonder of Rajasthan is often called the Taj Mahal of Marwar. The splendid edifice is a perfect example of Rajputana style of architecture. Its impeccable design and architecture is symbolic of the fine craftsmanship of the bygone era.

The main memorial is built like a temple, with beautiful domes and finely carved sculptures. Visitors can see here beautiful portraits of the various rulers of Jodhpur. The complex also features a memorial of a peacock that flew into a funeral pyre. Magnificently carved gazebos, an exquisite multi-tiered garden and a small lake surround the cremation ground.
Now it was around 2.00P.M. We were hungry and tired. Asked driver to drop, us for lunch in a good hotel near railway station.We paid his rent and let him free to go.Ordered vegetarian thali meal.

One more Woow to see thali, roti (bread) well socked in pure desi ghee, fry daal, two dry vegetables, shahi paneer, curd, salad, pickles and one sweet. This rajasthani flavored meal thali costed only Rs.100/=.

After lunch we came back in our retiring room for rest.In evening I decided to visit local market.

Walk Around Sardar Bazaar at Ghanta Ghar
Even if you are not into shopping, this place is ideal to soak in the vibrant atmosphere and the rich colors on display.
Clock Tower is a famous landmark in the Old City. It was constructed by Maharaja Sardar Singh during his tenure between 1880 and 1911. The clock tower offers a good view of the fort.
Sardar Market is adjacent to Clock Tower. You can find handicrafts, saris, spices, vegetables and a lot more. There are over 7000 shops and you can have a great shopping experience here.
I was amazed to see that a number of foreigners were walking here with their cameras busy in clicking the vibrant colored local people, road side shops and food vendors.
A walk around Sardar Bazar was really a life time memory for me.I photographed here and captured technicolor atmosphere here.

The End

Saturday 18 January 2020

The Tragic End of Marie Antoinette: The last queen of France

The Tragic End of Marie Antoinette: The last queen of France
Marie Antoinette (1755–93), was the last queen of France who helped provoke the popular unrest that led to the French Revolution and to the overthrow of the monarchy in August 1792.

She was the youngest daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa, born 1755.Marriage was arranged between Marie Antoinette and Louis XV’s grandson to create and hold an alliance between Austria and France.

Marie Antoinette became a symbol of the excesses of the monarchy and is often credited with the famous quote "Let them eat cake," although there is no evidence she actually said it. As consort to Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette was beheaded nine months after her husband by order of the Revolutionary tribunal. She was 37 years old.
Marie soon became involved in the extravagance of French court life, attending lavish balls and gambling. Her husband, however, shied away from public affairs. The couple would not consummate their marriage until seven years later – this became a popular matter of discussion and ridicule both at court and among the public.

King Louis XV died on 10 May 1774 after contracting smallpox. Marie, who was not yet 19 years old, became Queen of France when her husband inherited the throne as King Louis XVI. Marie gave birth to the couple’s first child, Marie Thérèse Charlotte, in December 1778.

Marie Antoinette

King Louis XVI and the French Revolution

France experienced poor harvests during the 1780s, which consequently increased the price of grain, and the government faced mounting financial difficulties. As a result, Marie’s lavish lifestyle at court came under attack. Numerous pamphlets and satires were distributed across the country demonstrating peoples’ disgust towards the queen’s extravagant spending.

King Luis xi of France

During the French Revolution, the monarchy deteriorated and in 1789 the royal family was eventually imprisoned in their own palace. Marie had planned to flee France with her family and return to her birthplace of Austria, but they were captured during the attempt and taken prisoner.

The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to the French monarchy, feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic Church.
It brought new ideas to Europe including liberty and freedom for the commoner as well as the abolishment of slavery and the rights of women.
Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die. These new ideas continued to influence Europe and helped to shape many of Europe's modern-day governments.

Louis XVI’s policy of not raising taxes and taking out international loans, including funding the American Revolution, increased France’s debt, setting in motion the French Revolution. By the mid-1780s the country was near bankruptcy, which forced the king to support radical fiscal reforms not favorable with the nobles or the people.
Louis XVI declared the Assembly null and void and called out the army to restore order.Public dissension grew, and a National Guard formed to resist the King's actions.By July 1789, he was forced to acknowledge the National Assembly's authority.

On July 14, riots broke out in Paris and crowds stormed the Bastille prison in a show of defiance toward the King. The day is now commemorated in France as a national holiday and the start of the French Revolution.
For a time, it seemed that Louis XVI could soothe the masses by saying that he would accept to their demands. However, he accepted bad advice from the nobility's hard-line conservatives and his wife, Marie Antoinette. He talked of reform but resisted demands for it
King Luis xi and Queen Marie Antoinette
Escape Attempt of Marie Antoinette
The royal family was forcibly transferred from Versailles to Paris on October 6, 1789. Louis ignored advice from advisers and refused to abdicate his responsibilities as king of France, agreeing to a disastrous attempt to escape to the eastern frontier in June 1791. He and his family were brought back to Paris, and he lost all credibility as a monarch.
Execution of Queen Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were executed for treason. Louis had failed to address France's financial problems, instigating the French Revolution that eventually descended upon him.

He made matters worse by often escaping to more pleasurable activities like hunting and locksmithing. Modern historians attribute this behavior to a clinical depression that left him prone to paralyzing indecisiveness.
On September 21, 1792, the Legislative Assembly proclaimed the First French Republic. That November, proof of Louis XVI's secret dealings and counter-revolutionary intrigues was discovered, and he and his family were charged with treason. Louis was soon found guilty by the National Assembly and condemned to death.

Trail of Marie Antoinette

Louis XVI was guillotined in the Place de la Révolution on January 21, 1793. His wife, Marie Antoinette, met the same fate nine months later, on October 16, 1793. Their young son, Louis-Charles, died in prison where living conditions were horrible. Daughter Marie-Thérèse was released from prison in December 1795 into the custody of her family in Austria.

Note---this storythe tragic end of marie antoinette: the last queen of France”,has been prepared with help of various articles and photos available on net,with great thanks to original writers.
The End

Monday 6 January 2020

Travelogue of Ajmer: The City of Spirituality.

It is an old saying that:--“Only he travels to Ajmer, who are called by Khawaja Saheb”. Perhaps it was a call of Holy sprit from Ajmer”, that I was in a holy trip of Ajmer the city of spirituality.

After a shower, we came down stairs, out side Railway station for lunch. In a near by hotel we took our lunch.  During travelling I prefer vegetarian meal .Wow the same Rajasthani style of meal. Chapatis (bread) soaked in desi ghee.

An Arial view of City Ajmer from Tragadh Fort

Do you know: Even the first contacts between the Mughals and the British occurred in Ajmer when Sir Thomas Roe met with Emperor Jahangir here in 1616?

Taragarh Fort.
Taragadh Fort is most spectacular monuments in Ajmer, which should not be missed by any tourist. Taragarh is the main hill looming over the city of Ajmer.
The fort on top of this hill dates back to at least 11th century AD and came to be known as Taragarh fort. During the Mughal and Sultanate period, there were many wars that were fought here and the fort served as a key military base

Now it is known for the dargah of Miran Shah, a governor who was killed in one of these wars at the hands of Rajput warriors.
He is refereed to as shaheed and it is his mazaar that many pilgrims come to visit. This is Ajmer's little hiking spot. The view from the hill makes a visit to Taragarh fort worthwhile.The bird's eye view of the city below is a vantage point that stays in your memory.After one hour stay and offering fateha on mazar shareef of Hazrat Miran Shah (R.A), we hired a shared taxi and back down in city.
From Roads of Ajmer
Ana Sagar Lake.

Legend of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti (R.A).When the saint Khawaja Moinuddin Chish
ti (R.A) arrived in Ajmer, he and his followers were banned from using water from Ana Sagar. He requested to get a cup of water that was granted.

When the cup was filled the water of the lake got dried up miraculously. People requested to return the water, the saint gracefully did so. Since then Moinuddin Chishty got multitude of followers.
It was constructed by Anaji Chauhan, the grandfather of Prithviraj Chauhan by excavating as a dam on in early 12 Th century as a dam on river Loni.The lake carries its name from Anaji.

We then headed towards the Ana Sagar Lake; the beauty of the lake was accentuated by the setting sun. The lake also has a boating option; however we decided to just enjoy the beauty from the sides. We could also see a small group of local musicians playing Qawwali.

It was a perfect time to be on this lake. People from all walks of life were having the pleasure of sitting and walking on the garden or on the banks. The reflections on the surface of the water were creating a mesmerizing spells.

Bara Dari of Ana Sagar Lake

We stood motionless for some time and admired the beauty of the nature. The silhouette against the setting sun was absolutely picturesque. I felt that sometimes, cameras cannot capture the real beauty and colorful display of the nature.

We saw people throwing bread-crumbs, rice flakes and other edible items into the lake. Immediately, we guessed the presence of fish in the lake.

At that time, a small group of young children was sitting on the banks of the lake and singing a “quwwali” in the name of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti alias Garib Nawaz.

Qawwali in Bara Dari of Ana Sagar Lake

When we came out of the Ana sagar Lake, it was a perfect time for an evening snack. The street food stalls, that we had avoided so far, ultimately dragged us into their charm of spicy mouth watering Pni Puri, Dal Kachauri and finally cold and sweet ice cream with faluda.

The day gets ready for a gorgeous end as the powerful sun rays turn in to warm cover for the cold breeze.

Dargah of Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti (R.A)

Born in Afghanistan in 1156, Khwaja Muin-ud-Din Chishti (R.H), India’s most revered Muslim saint began his religious career at the age of 13.

Dargah-Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti (R.A) in Ajmer

On his travels, he soaked up the teachings of the great Central Asian Sufis, whose emphasis on mysticism, ecstatic states and pure devotion as a path to God were revolutionizing Islam during this period. Khawaja Sahib and his disciples settled in Ajmer at the beginning of the thirteenth century.

Our next destination was “Dargah Sharif” for which Ajmer is famous. We hired a three wheeler. Distance of Dargah sharif and Ana Sagar is about 2 Km.He left us at Delhi gate, and told us we could walk straight to the Sharif shrine ahead.
When I looked at the crowd my resolve wavered but we somehow proceeded to the entrance. I could see a lot of threads tied to the jali. You come back and untie them if your wish comes true.

I was carrying my small backpack which had my camera, a few lens and all valuables. A back pack or any other luggage is not allowed. The lady police at the entrance of the Nizam Gate was very polite and friendly. She told to deposit all goods with camera out side.

As I was walking barefoot my feet were a mess. But there is a water tank inside where you can clean your feet before entering the main shrine and I happily freshed my wazoo to physically purify for a Fateha, Dua and Namaz.
It is my faith that it is power of Allah to grant “yes” to wishes and duaen of evry human. I offered my Fateha on grave of Khawaja saheb, asked Allah to make true my wishes .Ameen.

Now it was time of isha prayer, I entered in masjid adjacent to main shrine chamber .This was a beautiful masjid built by Gt. Moghul king Shahjahan.

If you have time, make sure you attend a ‘qawwali’ (musical performance) at the dargah, usually held on every Thursday and Friday evening. These melodious performances include verses sung in praise of the Prophet and various Sufi saints.
It is bad habbit of officials and care takers of Dargah to ask and exchange mony at every step. I did’t obliged them.This tradition must be banned.It leaves a bad impression of spiritual places.

I cold’t stop my carving of a non veg foods .All hotels were full of devotees; we waited few minutes to get seats.we ordered  Butter chicken , chiken fry ,chicken masala biryani and tandoori roti. Food was taisty and spicy.
Dinners are incomplete without some sweets. We stopped on a sweet shop. It was difficult to choose a sweet from dozen varieties of sweets; we ordered “Ras malaee” ,and packed famous Hawa Sohan of Ajmer. Hired an auto and reached retiring room at railway station for night stay.
Second Day

We had half day more to stay in Ajmer. Our next destination From Ajmer was Jaiselmer.We decided to see Adhai Din ka Jhopra , which is situated near dargah.

Adhai Din ka Jhopra
The Adhai-Din-Ka-Jhonpra, The two and half days Masjid, legend said the constructed was constructed in 2.5 days.

Dhai Din Ka jhopra-in Ajmer

According to legend, after defeating Prithviraj Chauhan in the Second Battle of Tarain, Shahabuddin Ghori passed through Ajmer. There he ordered his slave general Qutb-ud-Din-Aibak to construct a Masjid — all within 60 hours (that is, two-and-a-half-days).

The artisans could not build a complete Masjid in 60 hours time, but constructed a brick screen wall where Ghori could offer prayers. Another theory says that this mosque hosts a two-and-a-half-day fair and hence the name, but no one really knows how this name came.  By the end of the century, a complete mosque was built.

Railway Station of Ajmer

End of itinerary of AJMER...Next destination Jaiselmer. The train to Jaiselmer was scheduled to depart at 1.30 P.M. packed our luggage, stepped down at platform in wait of train.
The End